Wednesday, November 6, 2013

PBL means…?

Tomorrow,  at 9:00 AM EST, NGGE will hold our first November GAB hangout.
Our topic is around assessing learner's mastery or competency using standardize testing or real-time, hands-on pbl activities. When you see the letters, PBL, what do you think of; Project-Based Learning or Problem Based Learning? Are they the same or different? Is one better then the other? If so, Why? And most of all, will they give us less, the same or more information then what we get using standardize tests.

We will repeat this hang-out on November 21st. Join us for one or for both. Feel free to also invite others who may be interested. This will be an open, on-air hangout so that it can be viewed or reviewed.  We hope you will come hang-out with us.

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