Sunday, November 17, 2013

What's happening?

The highlight of this week's Next Generation Global Education paper.1i is the fourth annual Global Education Conference.   This is aweek-long online event starting tomorrow, November 18th and running through Friday, November 22, 2013 (depending on you time zone).  

Click here to see the 2013 schedule of sessions.

Of special note:
*Tuesday, November 19 at 10:00 PM EST Julie Lindsay will be the keynote speaker:  How to go Global - Lead, Learn, League

Tuesday, November 12, 2013


COME TO GOOGLE TALK:  9:00 am pst, 10 am mst, 11 am cst, and 12 pm est.

Monday, November 11, 2013

5 Essential Elements of PBL lessons

Engage in a discussion of the 5 essential elements that every teacher needs when building their pbl lesson for the classroom. Join Tom Stanley and Rick Kazee for an introductory webinar on, "Making PBL work for you" Wednesday, November 20, 2013 from 9:00 am pst, 10 am mst, 11 am cst, and 12 pm est on Google Talk. Email Tom Stanley at if you plan to attend or sign up at  
This is the first of many events we hope to host as we begin to design the Universal Library for Learning.

Thomas Stanley has conducted professional development about teaching online, using technology effectively, and how to integrate project-based learning in the online classroom. His innovative 5 Points of the Star program for online and blended learning are the tools of an effective and interactive classroom. His specialty is the organization and direction of global Project Based Learning activities and he enjoys connecting local, state, national, and international groups of students for projects such as; the Shark Project, Cultural exchange projects, the Global Ocean Acidification project, European Union project, Yucca Mountain project, Save Walker Lake project, Dafur Refugee project, and Undocumented Immigration project.  

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Google Hangout-on-Air

 At 9:00 PM, NGGE is holding their second Google Hangout-on-Air to explore their new website. Our goal is to combine best practices in order to personalize education for all learners.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

PBL means…?

Tomorrow,  at 9:00 AM EST, NGGE will hold our first November GAB hangout.
Our topic is around assessing learner's mastery or competency using standardize testing or real-time, hands-on pbl activities. When you see the letters, PBL, what do you think of; Project-Based Learning or Problem Based Learning? Are they the same or different? Is one better then the other? If so, Why? And most of all, will they give us less, the same or more information then what we get using standardize tests.

We will repeat this hang-out on November 21st. Join us for one or for both. Feel free to also invite others who may be interested. This will be an open, on-air hangout so that it can be viewed or reviewed.  We hope you will come hang-out with us.

Saturday, November 2, 2013

CCEC Shares

Allowing learners to choose how they share their knowledge allows them to become more actively involved.
After a few lessons together, the class shares what they learned about Antonyms.  Notice that they have used many senses.  An excellent job.

Take it away Cheery!

Friday, November 1, 2013

We have released phase one of our website and hope each person that visits discovers something new.   If we are to give learning back to our children to explore and discover then we need to relearn it ourselves.
 What's NGGE all about?  An introduction to our new site.
We will walk you through our new site and answer your questions.  Find out the “Universal Library for Learning”.  How are we using John Holt's philosophy of “unschooling”?  What place will digital badging have?  What trainings will be offered?  How can you become involved?
For the next 4 Saturdays we will hold a Google Hangout on Air.
    *Times given are EST - Use the Time Zone Converter for your local time:

  • November 2   at  9:00 AM
  • November 9   at  8:00 PM
  • November 16 at  9:00 AM
  • November 23  at 8:00 PM
We look forward to seeing you in the hangout.


Two students from Salem High School in Massachusetts recently contacted NGGE to see if they could use the Cheery Children's Educational Center for their senior community project.
Their  first objective "is to raise money to provide students with laptops, which will allow them to have instant access to information and broaden their connection to the global community."
Our second goal is " to start a mentoring program in which carefully selected individuals will skype with the students and guide them towards a prosperous future."
Our third goal is "to fund a learning facility for the Cheery Centre. Currently students are meeting at a church with limited space and teaching facilities."

Help Remi and Maddy meet their goals. Go to
We have made it through the ghosts and goblins and move on to the month of Thanksgiving.  It is a time to cherish family, those that you have lost and those still with you.  For this reason I have chosen to release our new site, in honor of all families around the world who pray for a better way and for my family, my son who has put it all together.
I hope you will spend time to explore the familiar and discover the new.  I hope you will become involved.  Ask questions, share ideas, see what is happening.  Every Saturday this month we will hold a Google Hangout to look at the site and answer questions.  Check the dates and times and sign up on our calendar.

Monday, October 28, 2013

For the month of November our GAB topic of discussion is around project based vs. problem based learning.  How are they alike? Different? Is one better than the other.
Here are some links to explore prior to our discussion.  Join us and add your insight into this topic.
Problem-Based Learning and Project-Based Learning  (Primarily as applied to math)
Why Problem Based Learning is Better   Is it?
What about throwing in Inquiry Based Learning as well!

Regardless of which label you give it, how can it be used as the means of assessment rather then the pencil and paper standardized tests?
 Join us and add your insight into this topic. Check out our November calendar for this and other up-coming events.

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Global Advisory Board and interested educators will be meeting on the 1st and 3rd Thursday of the month. The first Thursday, November 7th will meet at 9:00 AM EST. The third Thursday, November 21st  will meet at 8:00 PM EST. 
Our topic for November is to chart the similarities and difference between Project and Problem Based Learning. Each member will be asked to introduce themselves, the country they represent, and their reflection on the topic above. Everyone will have the opportunity to share their ideas and their work. If time permits, we will review and discuss the resulting chart.

NGGE believes that real-time challenges are more likely to showcase what learning has taken place then our current testing system.